Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chained Heat II (1993)

Shower time's over, thanks to Rosa.
Brigitte Nielson stars as Magda, the junkie, lesbian warden of Renzik Prison. The movie takes place after the fall of communism in Czechoslovakia where a dilapidated prison has been privatized and opened for profit. With the exception of a gay dress maker the warden keeps on to supply her with a wardrobe, the inmates are all female. The lead character (who's name isn't important) is an innocent young woman scooped up from the train station after having drugs planted on her and thrown in prison after a bogus trial because they need a fresh supply of attractive young girls for their enterprise.

The set-up for this movie leaves no room for disappointment, yet somehow it falls flat on it's face. The prison doubles as a heroin distribution center and the inmates are forced to work completely nude to insure no product is smuggled out. Only once is this addressed in the movie, early on. On top of this, the mansion adjacent to the prison is a brothel and the women are made to perform without consent. They also produce snuff/porn at the prison for sale on the black market. Any one of these enterprises would be fodder enough to carry a better-than-average WIP movie through to the end, but this clunker barely touches on any of them and instead focuses most of it's attention on the fem/dom relationship between the warden and her butch, inmate girlfriend, Rosa. The warden likes it rough, apparently, and as the cliche goes, her position of power at the prison means she plays the submissive role in the sack. That's well enough, but Brigitte doesn't take off any clothing during the movie and no sex is ever shown on screen. No domination is shown, either. There's an abundance of nudity throughout the film (including bush shots), shower scenes, etc, but nothing even remotely arousing, demeaning or embarrassing transpires. There's a scene where the lead is thrown in the hole with another attractive inmate. They're cuddling in next to no clothing, comforting each other, but nothing happens. Even during the filming of the snuff/porn scenes we see only a tight shot of the womens faces screaming "No!" followed by a quick cut-away. Every opportunity for sleaze is ignored completely. This mess crescendos (if you can call it that) into a ridiculous machine gun fight that frees the inmates, but there's little more than a teaspoon of blood in total, despite nearly all of the prison's staff being gunned down.

This whole thing stinks of Showtime after-hours, and not in a good way. Possibly the worst movie of this kind I've seen. Fuck this movie.




  1. Was going to ask if you got a butchered version, but then saw it was from 1993, so what did you expect?

  2. I expected it to suck, but I was willing to take the chance for $4.00. I've never seen the first film from 1983 with Linda Blair, but I watched the trailer yesterday and it looked great. People shouldn't make sequels 10 years later.

  3. I believe you that it sucks but it does sound cool!
